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  • Dozen Black Roses
  • Dozen Black Roses

Dozen Black Roses


Bold, mysterious, and undeniably captivating, dozen black roses, carefully dyed with premium floral-grade dye to achieve their dramatic hue. Wrapped in sleek paper and tied with a luxurious satin ribbon, this bouquet is the ultimate statement of sophistication and allure.

  • 12 Black Roses: Symbolizing mystery, rebirth, and the celebration of uniqueness, black roses make a striking choice for those who dare to stand out. They’re perfect for expressing deep emotions, paying homage, or celebrating unconventional beauty.
  • Paper Wrapping: Thoughtfully designed to enhance the bouquet’s striking appearance, the wrapping adds a refined and polished look.
  • Satin Ribbon: A smooth satin ribbon completes the arrangement, exuding elegance and a touch of luxury.

Whether for a modern romance, a bold celebration, or a token of admiration, 12 blqck roses is a bouquet that speaks volumes. Make a statement with these rare and unforgettable blooms.

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