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  • Spring In A Bouquet

Spring In A Bouquet


Celebrate the beauty of new beginnings with our 'Spring in a Bouquet.' This one-sided arrangement features a harmonious blend of peach roses, orange spray roses, yellow spider mums, white ranunculus, and white cushions, beautifully complemented by eucalyptus spiral, eucalyptus gunni, and delicate lavender-white fillers. Wrapped in rustic brown paper with a thin lavender ribbon, this bouquet symbolizes gratitude, appreciation, fascination, and ambition. It also embodies spiritual awareness, springtime renewal, abundance, protection, hope, and purification—perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions and celebrating life's fresh starts.

  • To keep your flowers fresh and vibrant for as long as possible, change the water daily and place them in a cool room away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or drafts. Trim the bottom of the stems at an angle every few days if possible. You can also clean the vase, and add flower food or natural water disinfectants to help preserve their beauty.

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